Seek out youthful talent to attain national goals

Editor,This is in reaction to the article, “Spoken Word thrills attendees”, (The New Times, February 1, 2013).

Friday, February 01, 2013

Editor,This is in reaction to the article, "Spoken Word thrills attendees”, (The New Times, February 1, 2013).Congratulations to the Spoken Word founders for giving the youth a forum to show their talent. There is a lot of talent in our country that goes unnoticed and literally wasted for lack of an opportunity to express it. We need, as a nation, to deliberately seek out our youth's talent in all fields — science, arts and sports. Developed countries are where they are because they have fully exploited and guided their nation's talent towards achieving national goals. Identifying, guiding, harnessing and finally recognising and rewarding our talent, especially in our youth, should be a national priority. Maintain the spirit Diana (Mpyisi, co-founder and organiser of the Spoken Word initiative). Keep inspiring our youth.Gerald, Kigali