Let us walk on the path our heroes treaded

TODAY, WE are celebrating the lives of our nation’s greatest heroes. The Unknown Soldier, Major General Fred Gisa Rwigema, King Charles III Mutara Rudahigwa, Prime Minister Agathe Uwilingiyimana, Michel Rwagasana, Felicite Niyitegeka and the Nyange Secondary School students are being honoured today for the sacrifice they made in order to make this country a better place to live in.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

TODAY, WE are celebrating the lives of our nation’s greatest heroes. The Unknown Soldier, Major General Fred Gisa Rwigema, King Charles III Mutara Rudahigwa, Prime Minister Agathe Uwilingiyimana, Michel Rwagasana, Felicite Niyitegeka and the Nyange Secondary School students are being honoured today for the sacrifice they made in order to make this country a better place to live in.Through their sacrifice, Rwanda is no longer a nation that is ashamed of itself, but rather a nation that is a light unto the rest of the world.This day is important not just in order to remember those men and women who gave up their very lives, but to also reflect on how we all can be more like them. Their patriotism is something that we must take a leaf from. They refused to live just for themselves but instead choose to live for a higher purpose. This purpose, which is the common good, is one we must aspire to.Each of these heroes has something that they can teach us and it doesn’t matter how old or young we are. As parents, we must take the time to teach our children the values that these heroes lived and died for. As leaders, we must hold ourselves to the standards that our heroes held themselves to. And as a people, we must endevour to stay as united as they would have wished.