Rich and ugly or broke and handsome?

A man’s looks are determined by the size of his wallet! I don’t have the gauge to measure who is handsome and who is not because first things first, we are all created in God’s image!

Thursday, January 31, 2013
DOreen UMutesi

A man’s looks are determined by the size of his wallet! I don’t have the gauge to measure who is handsome and who is not because first things first, we are all created in God’s image! I believe a man with a ‘Golden Wallet’ can charm any woman. Truth be told, every woman enjoys being treated like a princess and its only money that can grant you the key to the castle.  Let’s get logical here, in a scenario where an ugly rich man parades an Audi Q7 as a birthday present for a woman and another hot looking broke man just smiles and says "I wish you a lovely birthday darling”, who do you think the girl will be more interested in? Unless the girl is visually impaired, I bet anything she will definitely run to the Audi Q7.I don’t want to sound like a gold-digger but looks won’t put food on the table. At the end of the day we all need to survive. I’m sorry to say this but some hot men fail to work hard thinking their looks will grant them everything. If a man’s wealth didn’t matter in a relationship then we would not have common sayings like ‘when money goes out of the door, love goes out though the window’. Remember, I’m not the one who invented the statement! The harder a man works, the closer he gets to a woman’s heart.  I don’t think there is any woman who would rather get hitched to a man more concerned about his looks than one who works hard to make a better life for his family.  Although it is said that money is the root cause of evil, we still need it to live a comfortable life. Girls should be the ones who fantasise about hot men with six packs but women should focus mostly on settling down - and what better way to do that than settling with a rich man? Even with a not so appealing face, a man can be attractive in terms of personality, sense of humour and confidence. And what a delight it would be if he topped all that with a rather enviable bank account! Another guess is that women would literally go crazy and fight to be the one by his side!