MTN staff donates to DRC refugees

GICUMBI - Members of staff of MTN Rwanda Monday, donated clothes and shoes worth Frw 400,000 to Congolese refugees in Gihembe camp, in Gicumbi district, during an occasion to mark the international day for the African child.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
One of the MTN Rwanda staff sensitizing a group of refugees in Gihembe refugee camp in Gicumbi district..

GICUMBI - Members of staff of MTN Rwanda Monday, donated clothes and shoes worth Frw 400,000 to Congolese refugees in Gihembe camp, in Gicumbi district, during an occasion to mark the international day for the African child.

MTN also sensitized the refugees on issues concerning HIV/Aids and entertained the refugees through music, which was complimented with a football match between MTN staff and a team from the camp.

"All the staff members involved in these activities have shown commitment and a sense of sacrifice, which has seen our undertakings with the different communities go on smoothly so far,” reported Jean Bosco Sendahangarwa, the Public Relations and Corporate Social Responsibility (CRS) manager of MTN. 

This was done in accomplishment of their "21 days of Y’ello Care” programme, where MTN staff members give back to the community. This time around they are focusing on HIV/Aids awareness, visiting and supporting orphans and knowledge transfer.

"We really appreciate the heart MTN staff have shown the camp; at least you have brought smiles of the children’s faces,” commented Shakagabo Mark, the ministry of Local Government representative in the camp.

The Gihembe refugee camp is made up of 19,000 refugees from DR Congo. They are supported by Save the Children, ministry of Local Government, World Food Programme, and other humanitarian agencies.
