Use latest data to prioritise

THERE IS so much to be done in Rwanda, not only in the health sector but almost in every other sector. Unfortunately, due to the reason you cited, the government cannot tackle all of these issues simultaneously, even with the minimum steps your article suggest.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

THERE IS so much to be done in Rwanda, not only in the health sector but almost in every other sector. Unfortunately, due to the reason you cited, the government cannot tackle all of these issues simultaneously, even with the minimum steps your article suggest. To be efficient, they need to prioritise. So, if your suggestion is that mental illness should be a top priority, then I would suggest you prove it with more data, of course, and maybe we shall see more funds allocated to tackle that specific problem, just like HIV/AIDS.Probably, you would want to start with the Ministry of Health to collect data, if they "eventually” keep some records on the number of people affected by mental illness (to be frank, I doubt it!). I encourage you to go forward, remember: it takes one man/woman to change the world.Laurent, Glasgow Reaction to Alline Akintore,’s commentary, "Spotlight on mental health emergency response systems,” (The New Times, January 29, 2013).