I need to be a better version of me

As some of you may recall around New Year’s I mentioned that one of my New Year’s goals (yes I refuse to call them resolutions) would be to be “nicer” to myself. Just take better care of myself physically, mentally, financially, and professionally.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

As some of you may recall around New Year’s I mentioned that one of my New Year’s goals (yes I refuse to call them resolutions) would be to be "nicer” to myself. Just take better care of myself physically, mentally, financially, and professionally.We are coming to the end of month and I can say, I’m pretty proud of myself. Let me not lie to you and say I have done a full 180 degrees and I’m a new person, this will take a lot of work but I’m trying to adopt a certain lifestyle that will stay with me for a while. I’m doing pretty well with the physical part, by changing my eating habits and getting my lazy butt to the gym. I’m already seeing changes in my attitude and how I feel about myself. This definitely helps with the long hours I put in at the office. I was starting to feel tired all the time and not really motivated about anything but this new lifestyle presents challenges and keeps me interested in different recipes and exercises. Just something to think about apart from work, work and even more work.In regards to my professional life, things seem to be looking up. A lot more people are recognising how much of a hard worker I am and a team player. This is not to say I do not deal with the ageist comments, they simply do not bother me as much because my immediate boss treats me like anyone else which is what I want. I’m getting more challenging tasks on my desk and being able to deliver them on time and in good quality, definitely makes me have no life, kind of worth it (yes I said that).The remaining two are a bit hard to analyse simply because I don’t feel like I’m doing enough which would not be good for me mentally since I’m returning to my ways of being hard on myself which I’m trying to reduce. Mentally, I could be doing better. I need to read more and find more ways to express myself through writing or a new hobby that will challenge my mind. The financial part of my life is alright. I pay my bills on time and I have a little extra to spend but my savings account is pretty much non-existent, or should I say I don’t even have one. As a working woman, I should really be stashing something away for a rainy day…or month. You never know what could happen to you and if you have a few hundred thousand francs in an account, it would probably be a lifesaver. So I definitely need to work on that and think more about the future, but not let it be all I think about.How are your new year’s goals coming along? Hit me up on the email below and maybe you can give me some insight on how to improve my path to being an amazing 21st century woman.If you have something to say email 21stcenturywoman@newtimes.co.rw