Body image: Feel good about yourself

What do you look like?Lots and lots of people worry about what they look like and what other people think of how they look. Are you one of those?Do you think that you’re too fat, too thin, too tall, too short, too pale, too dark, too hairy, too… whatever?Why?

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What do you look like?Lots and lots of people worry about what they look like and what other people think of how they look. Are you one of those?Do you think that you’re too fat, too thin, too tall, too short, too pale, too dark, too hairy, too… whatever?Why? What would you rather look like?• The actors on TV or the movies?• The models in magazines?• Someone you know?Guess what?All of these people probably felt like they were ‘too something’ when they were growing up. Many of them probably still do.Why do you look the way you do? There are 2 main reasons why you look the way you do.The most important reason is genetics. Mostly people look like other people in their family.When you were conceived, your parent’s genes combined to make a new person---you.

Are you tall or short? What shape are you? Do you have wide shoulders or a narrow chest? People are all different shapes and sizes. How to look after yourself• Eat the right food.• Keep yourself clean.• Exercise.• Sleep well.• Play.• Wear clean clothes.What is beauty?All through history people have decided that some people are more beautiful or handsome than others are.Even today in different parts of the world people have different ideas of what a beautiful person looks like.Beauty may be:• Having really small feet.•Having a really long neck.•Having a really thin body.• Having a really fat body.• Having no hair.• Having lots of hair.You see people are different and different times and places see good looks differently. What you think is attractive someone else might not like.Things are not always what they seemNowadays with TV, movies and magazines the whole world gets to see what the producers, advertisers and editors THINK is beautiful.What we don’t see is that clever photographers have made these people look more beautiful by using lighting effects and tricks to make it look like someone has perfect skin, hair, teeth etc.If people don’t feel good about themselves, they don’t think that they look beautiful.Everyone looks different on the outside. Keeping clean, healthy and active makes you feel good about yourself. If you feel good about yourself you will look your best.