Jokes Jokes Jokes

A TEACHER gave an assignment on drawing and told the students to draw any nice picture.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A TEACHER gave an assignment on drawing and told the students to draw any nice picture. After 5 minutes…Teacher: Junior, I told u to draw an elephantJunior: Here it is sir (handing over a sheet of paper.)Teacher: I told you to draw an elephant, not a dot!Junior: Sir, It’s an elephant. But it’s very far.Gabriel: A cow eating grass, sir. Teacher: But there is no grass here.Gabriel: The cow ate it all.Teacher: Now where is the cow? Gabriel: There was no more grass so it went away. Teacher: Peter what are you painting, why is the picture blank? Peter: A picture of passengers entering a bus. Teacher: But where are the passengers?Peter: They have just entered the bus. Teacher: And where is the bus?Peter: If all the passengers have entered then why should it hang around?Arab MoneySon writing to his dadDear Dad,Sydney is wonderful, people are nice and I really like it here, but Dad, I am a bit ashamed to arrive at my college with my pure-gold Ferrari 599GTB when all my teachers and many fellow students travel by train.Your son, NasserNext day, Nasser gets a reply to his e-mailMy dear loving son twenty million US dollars has just been transferred to your account. Please stop embarrassing us. Go and get yourself a train too.Love Dad