Chinese welcome Year of the Water Snake

Rwandans joined members of the Chinese community at the Kigali Serena on Monday evening to celebrate the Chinese New Year with different traditional song and dance.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Even Rwandans have learnt Chinese traditional dance.

Rwandans joined members of the Chinese community at the Kigali Serena on Monday evening to celebrate the Chinese New Year with different traditional song and dance.According to the Chinese calendar, in 2013, February 9 is New Year's Eve, marking the last day of the Year of the Dragon, while February 10th ushers in the Year of the Water Snake. The visiting Chinese dancers put up a spirited performance  that left people’s mouths agape.  "We start training for this dance when we are five years old because it is when some one is flexible enough to do any movement,” said Shi Yan Ti, one of the dancers from China.Rwandans, who had trained in traditional Chinese dance, performed at the celebration.The Minister of Sports and Culture, Protais Mitali, attended the event.