Kirehe man arrested over attempted murder

Kirehe – The marriage had turned sour, hence the woman decided to leave her marital home and seek refuge at her sister’s house in Gahara sector in Kirehe district.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Kirehe – The marriage had turned sour, hence the woman decided to leave her marital home and seek refuge at her sister’s house in Gahara sector in Kirehe district.Unfortunately, even there, Julienne Uwimana, 20, could not stop her husband, Jean de Dieu Habimana, from trying to hack her to death.Habimana used a machete to cut Uwimana’s body and left her for dead. He was later arrested by residents. A neighbour told The New Times the couple had had domestic problems for a long time, with the man accusing his wife of infidelity.A few days before the fateful incident, they were heard quarrelling loudly, the neighbour said."The conflict reached its climax when the wife was attacked and cut with a machete all over her body and left to die,” said a neighbour who wanted to remain anonymous.Anita Babonumuhire, 25, the sister to the wife of the suspect was severely injured during the incident, and is currently under treatment at Kigali Central University Hospital (CHUK).Habimana is currently held at Kirehe Police station pending further investigations."We are holding the suspect and he will appear before court soon. Violence of this nature cannot be tolerated,” said the Police.Felix Iragaba, the Executive Secretary of Gahara sector, said the attempted murder was highly regrettable.He warned couples against allowing domestic conflicts to grow to such proportions, adding that violence could be avoided."It took us a lot of energy and time to track down the suspect who hid in bushes after committing the crime. He knew he had committed grave crime. The woman is now handicapped and the husband may face life imprisonment upon conviction. So, why commit such crime that makes children suffer?” he asked.