I hate people who…

…earn lots of money for simply pretending to work. It is really painful that every day I get up and find people to hate. All I am saying is that I have a job and I try my best to do it well.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

…earn lots of money for simply pretending to work. It is really painful that every day I get up and find people to hate. All I am saying is that I have a job and I try my best to do it well. And that gives me the absolute right to hate on people who pretend to work. I am talking about the musicians who announce live concerts only to show up and tell the DJ, "track number 2” then go ahead to lip synch (mime) as if we won’t notice. Do these people think we pay money to see them doing what we ourselves can do in our bathrooms? Someone should tell Beyonce to stop pretending that she is singing the US anthem when she is not. Yes, we noticed.…dress stupidly and then complain about the weather. Have you guys noticed that anyone who has nothing constructive to say is now complaining about how hot it is? I hate such idle talk because if you were born in Africa you of course know that it will be this hot at some point of the year so tell us something new. My deepest hatred is for the jokers who wear a suit and tie or the ladies in heavy Bitenge in this heat. How can I feel sorry for you when you chose those clothes yourself and now you are sweating like a He-Goat that wants to mate? Wear something comfortable or shut up.  …spend too much time in the salon instead of doing their jobs well. Don’t you just hate these African footballers who invest so much time in making their heads look like a nursery child’s painting book? The ones who decorate their hair so much that when they are playing you keep thinking their head is the actual ball. Yes, the ones who can barely score but are begging for attention with some stupid hairstyle. Sometimes when I am watching the African Cup of Nations games I think of turning off the colour just to reduce of the number of moving rainbows on the field. Someone out there must apologise to us for having given birth to such jokers. …eat food in public places and leave most of it on the table. There are some things that people do that make you think that even the death penalty would not save them. Have you seen the daft children in adult bodies who, when eating, will place bones and other foods on the table? What kind of people are these ones? Where do they even come from? All the food was on your plate, if there is something you are not going to eat then leave it on the plate. So now you want the hotel staff to wash the plate and even clean your table? I think such people should be banned for life once identified. If you do not want something on your plate then at least ask for another plate.…still call radio stations and ask the presenter to call their lover. It is for people like these that Jesus should return quickly to save the world. How do you call a radio presenter and ask him to call your boyfriend? Would it not be better if you simply used that airtime to call him yourself? And even before you answer that I have another question for you. Since when did your miserable relationship become a matter for public consumption? Do you think we really care about you? It is because of part time thinkers like you that some of our countries are referred to as Third World. Because you prefer to rely on a third party to fix your sorry relationship. Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293