The art of ogling

I WAS REALLY disappointed when I saw the actual meaning of the word ‘ogle’ as defined by the Oxford English Dictionary; “to look amorously or lecherously (at). —n. amorous or lecherous look.”

Saturday, January 26, 2013
Moses Opobo

I WAS REALLY disappointed when I saw the actual meaning of the word ‘ogle’ as defined by the Oxford English Dictionary; "to look amorously or lecherously (at). —n. amorous or lecherous look.”This article seeks to demonstrate to you that ogling is actually just another Fine Art. Ogling is an art. Well, at least it should be. And that is only as long as you don’t freak the person out by gaping and drooling. There is a whole world of difference between ogling and drooling. Make sure you never cross the line.Ogling is a subtle art. When you ‘ogle’ at lifeless objects, there is clearly no need to do so while all fidgety. Obvious enough. But when you ‘ogle’ at fellow human beings, be it a little child, a girl or a guy, make sure to do so inoffensively and respectfully. Some of you might raise your eyebrows at the chivalry here, (girl ogling hot guy), but I meant what I said and I stand by it. I shall explain why.Ladies, you spend as much time scanning each other’s surface areas as you do checking out handsome men, apparently. Maybe we are not being politically correct here. From personal experience, the closest a woman ever came to admitting to ogling was to claim she enjoys comparing herself to other women. But that’s just a matter of semantics, of word play, I guess.Yes, women look at women. But every eyeball in the world looks at women as well. And isn’t that to do with training – the kind you get as a human being on this earth, where female beauty is very, very important?Equally, though, women will look at other women even just for its own sake: ‘That is the best handbag that was ever manufactured’ or ‘I want my hair to look like hers so bad.’Truth is, some women are simply walking works of art, and appreciation of art knows no gender!When ogling, always endeavor to maintain a decent radius from the person you ogle (may be a 3-meter radius.) Reason: Ogling should not, in any way, encroach on the personal space of the one being ogled at.Note: This rule is not really to your direct benefit, but rather is exclusively for purposes of preservation of privacy of the one being ogled.Also, never speak to the person you ogle. (Actually, most often there are multiple candidates) you are ogling at.) And why is this so? Well, if you hear the person you’re ogling speak, it might actually shatter whatever illusions about that person that you had started to nurse. Why risk losing the source of your free and short-lived joy? Look at it this way; that this rule is exclusively for the self-preservation of those who ‘ogle’.