Is democracy a reality or a myth in Africa?

Dear editor, The violence against opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai is a scenario not new in today’s Africa. For Zimbabwe, the situation shows too much corruption and general lack of democracy.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Dear editor,

The violence against opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai is a scenario not new in today’s Africa. For Zimbabwe, the situation shows too much corruption and general lack of democracy.

The irony of the whole matter is that President Mugabe claims to be fighting for the freedom of his country from neo-colonialism.

Many African countries are generally far from attaining democracy and fair rule. When will ‘most’ African leaders stop being power hungry and let democracy reign? All these explain why Africa remains poor.

I kind of believe that without firm and strong governments, African states will crumble and fall mainly due to the conflicts that continue to surface.
