Do you have to be dead to be considered a hero?

The ongoing debate that people should be considered heroes when they are still alive has raised concerns. 1st February marks Heroes Day and people will celebrate the valiant acts of Rwandan heroes in its colourful history.

Thursday, January 24, 2013
Jean Paul Nteziryayo

The ongoing debate that people should be considered heroes when they are still alive has raised concerns. 1st February marks Heroes Day and people will celebrate the valiant acts of Rwandan heroes in its colourful history.

Society Magazine’s Grace Gatera and Win Hansen hit the streets to find out whether heroes should be honoured dead or alive. I think a hero is better off dead, because if he is alive, he will show off and people will forget his good acts.Jean Paul NteziryayoA hero should be honoured dead because you might do good things first and later become evil.Claire MukandoliA hero should be honoured when alive because they can do more good deeds when they are alive.Safari Jean BaptisteA hero must be dead because that is when their acts become more significant.Gendaheza CallixteA real hero is a dead one. It is simply the only way to become a true hero.Sinayobye JonasA true hero is a martyr, and martyrs are honoured in death. Nsengimana Jean DamasceneA hero must be dead so that their good acts are taken as something extra ordinary.Kyabera ProvidenceA true hero must be dead because to me the definition of a true hero is one who dies in battle.Akazuba Yvonne