Drive our agenda towards self-reliance

Editor,I wish to voice my opinion regarding the article, ‘MPs, donors meet over budget review, (The New Times, January 23, 2013.)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Editor,I wish to voice my opinion regarding the article, ‘MPs, donors meet over budget review, (The New Times, January 23, 2013.)The majority of the donors seem to be saying that there are issues around budget overall support based on the debates in their own parliaments. What are those issues they are trying to raise after Rwanda is accused of aiding M23? How come they were not voiced before? The world over, it has been said many times that the Rwandan government is delivering and indeed results are visible. May be I am naïve but what is really the issue around budget support to Rwanda? We need to take this conversation deeper and this will help us to drive our agenda towards self-reliance.Anita Umurerwa, UK*************Editor,I believe the government is doing its best to normalise the fiscal situation. Many who do not know what it means to do away with foreign aid prematurely. Look closely at how aid dependency is ingrained in the economy. Doing away with aid must be a progressive and articulate plan. The fact stands that we need to wean ourselves off aid but wisely. I believe the President and Rwanda’s economists have this aspect itching at the back of their minds. Rwanda will be free from aid but the way to self-reliance is proper planning.Tony Barigye, Public Relations Officer, Rwanda Civil Aviation Authority