Prime Minister swears in 26 prosecutors

Twenty-six prosecutors were yesterday sworn in at a ceremony presided over by Prime Minister Pierre Damien Habumuremyi.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013
PM Habumuremyi (R) shakes hands with Prosecutor-General Martin Ngoga after the ceremony. Looking on are ministers Tharcise Karugarama (2ndL) of Justice and Protais Mitali of Culture. The New Times/ J. Mbanda.

Twenty-six prosecutors were yesterday sworn in at a ceremony presided over by Prime Minister Pierre Damien Habumuremyi.They included 25 prosecutors recruited on a one-year contract and one employed on permanent basis.Premier Habumuremyi asked the newly-sworn in members of the bench to consider the oath not as just a ceremony, but as a bond which engages them to passionately serve the nation.Habumuremyi urged the prosecutors to be good time managers, and have self-motivation in working hard to score high. He said this will call for greater patience and a corruption free attitude since they were chosen to work for loyalty among the citizens and not to deceive the community.He also urged them to be honest and build trust among the citizenry.Also sworn-in was Carole Umuringa Karemera, a member of Rwandan Academy of Languages and Culture  unit in the Ministry of Sports and Culture. She is tasked with promoting culture.