Students urged to abstain from sex

EASTERN PROVINCE NGOMA — Students have been called upon to abstain from sex as the only way of preventing HIV/Aids infections. François Niyotwagira the Ngoma District Mayor said this recently at a secondary schools’ drama competition in Ngoma district held at Cyasemakamba stadium.

Monday, June 16, 2008


NGOMA — Students have been called upon to abstain from sex as the only way of preventing HIV/Aids infections. François Niyotwagira the Ngoma District Mayor said this recently at a secondary schools’ drama competition in Ngoma district held at Cyasemakamba stadium.

The competition aimed at preparing for the upcoming inter-school district competition in the fight against HIV/Aids to be held in Kigali. The date for this event is yet to be set.
This year’s theme is ‘working together to fight against HIV/ Aids.

Niyotwagira urged the students to practice what they preach in their songs and drama which he said will be the basis of their good future life.

"Your future depends on what you do now. Focus on your studies because beautiful things never end. You will have more beautiful things than you are seeing today. Your focus should now be on what your parents sent you to do in school but not world life’” He said. He urged them to be ambassadors in their schools, homes and villages. 

Twenty eight anti Aids clubs in schools took part in the competition. About 168 participants took part in the competition in which there were six participants in each team.

The students’ songs and drama plays all focused on how people can avoid getting HIV/Aids infection by either abstaining or using a condom.

Nyagatare Secondary School emerged the winner in songs while Ecole secondaire Musheri won the drama. The former was awarded with a spear, drum, shield and clothes among others that will be used when staging their songs and plays. The latter walked away with a radio worth Frw70, 000.
