Emphasis on customer care pivotal

This is in reaction to Nathalie Munyampenda article, What’s the point? published in The New Times (January 23, 2013.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

This is in reaction to Nathalie Munyampenda article, What’s the point? published in The New Times (January 23, 2013. I was in Rwanda two years ago, and I realised that customer service was an issue. However, I do believe that Rwandans can deliver an excellent customer service once they understand the importance of it in doing any business. I am glad to hear that the government is making efforts to reach out to the general public and businesses about the significance of customer service if Rwanda wants to be competitive in the region.Jacques B R, Houston, Texas USA

-----------------------------------------------Finally, someone addresses the customer service issue in Rwanda. I have heard that the government is doing all it can to offer training to customer service agents but I believe this piece will reach the business owners and they will look out to see whom they are putting at their front desks. Thank you Nathalie for beautifully addressing the issue. Let us hope that our people take it seriously. May I take this opportunity to suggest something; you know how in the western world they go as far as putting up posters that reiterate customer and worker’s conduct alike? How about suggesting that to these business owners? I haven’t been back home in a while and maybe this has already been implemented.Anonymous, Canada