Encouraging character with praise

Showing your kids that you care about them is an important part of being a parent. But it can be difficult with busy teenagers who spend more time with friends than with you.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Zero in on the positive and you help your teen feel good and feel loved. Net photo.

Showing your kids that you care about them is an important part of being a parent. But it can be difficult with busy teenagers who spend more time with friends than with you.Praise-focusing on the things your kids do well, or the efforts that they make to improve - is a great way to show your kids that you care about them. It also provides vital emotional nourishment during the turbulent teen years. It helps them develop good character by focusing and building on their positive traits rather than always concentrating on the negative.As important as praise is, kids don’t hear it nearly enough. That’s because as parents, we often focus on children’s mistakes. Mistakes capture our attention and often cause us to respond in negative ways. That’s why it’s important for you to notice and remember the good things your children do.Sometimes it takes effort, but the praise can work wonders. If you consistently praise your teen, offer words of encouragement and offer a pat on the back, you will begin to notice positive improvements in your teen’s outlook and behavior over time.By zeroing in on the positive, you help your teen feel good and feel loved. Start today. Make a list of all the positive things your teen does, and make sure he or she knows that you have noticed.
