Am I too smart to attract a man?

Dear Its a Guy Thing, In life I have been lucky enough to be exposed to a lot of knowledge from history to literature, to travel and different cultures.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Dear Its a Guy Thing,In life I have been lucky enough to be exposed to a lot of knowledge from history to literature, to travel and different cultures. My friends always call me the "brainiac” of the group and I guess its true, but they are all also quite intelligent. Recently, I have noticed men don’t really like smart girls, maybe its cause they will hardly win an argument with me or if they claim to know something I will probably already know it.I’m not saying I know everything but most times I cannot pretend to like being taught about the different Greek myths when I took history in university and took a semester in Greece. Anyway, what do you propose being that you are a man, how can I remain true to myself without hurting these men’s egos.Valerie

-----------------------------------------Dear Valerie,There isn’t much I can do here except say this, any man’s ego that you damage because you are ‘too smart’ is an ego that needs damaging. No real man, comfortable in his skin, is an enemy of knowledge. The only men who are like that already have issues of self-doubt that they are dealing with. So, don’t give yourself a hard time. Such men aren’t worth your time anyway. However, if you yield your smarts like an ax, trying to put men in their ‘place’, then maybe the problem is you. Don’t fear introspection. If the problem is you, then maybe you should figure out why you like to show off your smarts.If you have a question, contact