Do not wish for things that you are not

I’m baffled at how some women are quick to point out everything they want in a man without checking themselves to see if they are what that man would want.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Rachel Garuka

I’m baffled at how some women are quick to point out everything they want in a man without checking themselves to see if they are what that man would want. So many times I am bored with the same bloody conversation that goes – I want a man who is educated and good-looking, someone with a nice job, someone who loves me to death and will buy me roses every morning, someone who is well kempt and well spoken, well travelled even.Asking for educated chaps when you can barely spell your own name is an absolute mystery. You don’t have to have a zillion PHD’s - just enough knowledge to not seem retarded. It ceases being funny when he has to hide you away from civilisation because he is afraid you might say something stupid. So, grab that book, turn on the news or whatever knowledgeable channel there is out there and educate yourself! Dudes with nice jobs like women with equally nice jobs, maybe even nicer! The days of sitting around waiting for a man to throw money at you for a mani-pedi are so over. In fact, should you ever be so bold as to ask him for money to go get dolled up, he will ask you what happened to equality and the rights we so passionately fight for. So unless your man is okay with you being a housewife or ‘housegirlfriend’, I suggest you style up.Do not wish for men with torsos that match a Greek god if your body screams anything BUT sexy. Let us be fair, if a man has taken time and money to pimp his appearance, it is only fair that we do the same. If he is as careless with his looks as you are then you have nothing to worry about! I know - there is no harm in wishing for these Greek gods even when we don’t look too ‘godish’ ourselves but I prefer to be realistic.I cannot stress enough how pathetic it is to wish for ‘real love’ when your own skills of showing what love is all about need serious help. Yes – some women tend to sing about their need for undying love yet they are not capable of doing the same. I know a girl who made it her life’s mission to dump guys faster than they could blink, yet she always complained about never finding a quality guy!Some women simply have the worst manners known to the entire animal kingdom; they talk with food in their mouth, they pick their nose in public and play around with them boogers (sorry but that’s a fact), they sit in a way that suggests their under area needs aeration, they use language so foul that their sanity becomes suspicious, and so many other things that are simply unacceptable. Then they hunger for a guy whose manners match the Pope’s!To all my single sisters out there, try and be all those things you would want in a man...obviously you can’t be all of them but you can damn well work at being the woman he would want to date. If we do not make ourselves ‘dateable’, the chances of finding a ‘dateable’ guy are seriously slim!