Childhood – how easy it used to be!

CHILDHOOD is the sweetest and most comfortable stage in most people’s lives, for that reason, if nature allowed, many would prefer sticking to it forever. Various people have those distinct moments they miss about their childhood; however, below are some of the most common ones.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Ice cream is a very memorable treat. Net photo.

CHILDHOOD is the sweetest and most comfortable stage in most people’s lives, for that reason, if nature allowed, many would prefer sticking to it forever. Various people have those distinct moments they miss about their childhood; however, below are some of the most common ones. The rivalry between siblings; fighting for the TV remote control, the endless debate on who is stronger physically, or who has the right to boss another around because of the order in which they were born.Who wouldn’t miss those days when daddy drove the kids to a candy store or ice cream stand before dropping them off at the cinema to catch a movie?No adult can say they don’t miss reading books like Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia, Tom Sawyer, Gulliver’s Travels and Huckleberry Finn, and comics like Spiderman, Tin Tin and Asterix! How about the days when one feigned sickness just to get some serious attention - gentle hugs and kisses from mummy, daddy and the rest of the family? Bet you are wondering how that worked out – the doctor’s prescription always ended up in the trash! There were days when daddy was without a doubt the most powerful and wisest human being alive. We never imagined that they would grow old and weak.Gone are the ‘fascinating’ movies we watched as children in the 80’s and 90’s, with ‘invincible’ superstars like Sylvester Stallone, Chuck Norris and Arnold Schwarzenegger. As kids, nothing seemed more successful than the thought of being a lawyer or medical doctor - the rest seemed like failures.