5 best part-time jobs for teens

LOOKING FOR a job that’ll enrich your soul and start you on the path towards a lifelong career?  OK, maybe not. You’re probably just looking for a way to make cash and beat your boredom.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013
If youu2019re an animal lover, taking care of them will hardly feel like work. Net photo.

LOOKING FOR a job that’ll enrich your soul and start you on the path towards a lifelong career?  OK, maybe not. You’re probably just looking for a way to make cash and beat your boredom.Never fear. There are tons of ways to reach your goals – including some you may not have considered before. And you might find that the job you pick is rewarding in more ways than you expected. (Seriously!)1. LandscaperLots of homeowners in your ‘hood need help around the yard - from lawn mowing in the spring and summer, to raking in the fall, to shoveling in the winter. They’d probably rather pay a local teen than an expensive landscaping company.•Pros: Great exercise, great pay and a great way to get to know your neighbors.•Cons: You’ll need to be extra-motivated if you want to start your own business and find clients. And all that manual labor can be exhausting.2. Animal CaretakerWant to make some furry friends? Consider being a dog walker, a pet sitter or even a groomer. Many pet owners feel guilty about being away from home all day, and they’d happily pay you to give their pets some extra love.•Pros: You can make your own hours, and if you’re an animal lover, this job will hardly feel like work.•Cons: Unless your client is Babe the talking pig, hanging out with pets all day can get lonely. Plus, you’ll have to deal with all those less-than-adorable things that pets do.3. TutorThe perfect job if you’re considering being a teacher, or if you excel at one or more of your school subjects. Talk to your guidance counselor and local library about job opportunities. Or you could even start your own tutoring business.•Pros: Good money, a ton of practice at your favorite subjects and a huge feeling of accomplishment.•Cons: Frustrating at times, and if you tutor at your own school, you’ll be stuck inside the same building all day.4. Restaurant EmployeeYou love eating at restaurants, so why not work at one - as a server, busser, line cook or host? Many restaurants look for staff through word of mouth, so make a sweep of your favorite joints and ask the manager if they need any help.•Pros: A great way to meet people and practice your social skills. As a server or busser you’ll probably get paid from tips, so the harder you work, the more money you make.•Cons: At any given time, this is one of the stressful jobs you can have. And servers take a lot of abuse from fussy customers.5. Office InternWhile your friends are toiling away at the mall, get a dose of the professional life by interning for a local business. Ask your parents and your parents’ friends if they know of any open positions, or just start sending emails to companies you like.•Pros: One of the best resume builders you can get, and it might lead to a long-term, high-paying position.•Cons: Most internships are unpaid, and you’ll probably get handed a lot of grunt work at first.Source: www.teenadvice.about.com