What would you do to help fight drug abuse?

Drug and alcohol abuse has unfortunately become a widespread practice in schools. Ivan Ngoboka visited Martyrs Secondary School to seek students’ views on what their role in fighting the vice is.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Jackson Nkotanyi

Drug and alcohol abuse has unfortunately become a widespread practice in schools. Ivan Ngoboka visited Martyrs Secondary School to seek students’ views on what their role in fighting the vice is.  I would educate the users on the effects of substance abuse, giving them examples of terminal diseases they can get through using drugs like cancer, kidney, heart and liver failure. I am confident that this would convince them to give up the habit.Jackson Nkotanyi, 18 I would encourage fellow teenagers to take on activities like participating in sports, reading, music and dance to distract them from idleness. They will be too occupied to even think about substance abuse. Faith Mirembe, 17Since drug and alcohol consumption is an expensive habit, I would explain to the users just how rich and happy they would be if they invested that money in productive schemes instead. I am sure that this would slowly help them change for the better.Sam Mwizerwe, 19Substance abuse is so addictive that even those willing to quit never do so, therefore calling to the government to set up more rehabilitation centers to help "junkies” kick the habit is one thing I would surely participate in. Honoline Umutoni, 17 Working with school authorities to come up with harsh punishments for those connected to drugs is one thing I would do to help fight the vice. Nuriat Binty Wahab, 18I would help authorities locate and bust drug cartels, since their consistent supply is what keeps the victims’ addiction stronger.Ismail, Ndagijimana, 17