Mineduc, industries in knowledge transfer deal

The Ministry of Education has entered a partnership with industries that will encourage higher learning institutions to share research findings with manufacturers.

Monday, January 21, 2013

The Ministry of Education has entered a partnership with industries that will encourage higher learning institutions to share research findings with manufacturers.The programme, dubbed Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KFP), was launched last week in Kigali.The Minister of Education, Dr. Vincent Biruta, explained that under the partnership, a business seeking to implement a strategic project will get an academic or research partner to provide essential knowledge and a graduate to manage the project.KFP is the follow up on a report of a study carried out three years ago, that was aimed at mapping science and technology for industry development in the country by linking research and development between industries and higher learning institutions.Being a part of KFP, the Higher Institute of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, ISAE-Busogo, will significantly benefit as most available technologies, facilities and qualified staff are found in ISAE.According to the Director General for Science, Technology and Research in Mineduc, Dr. Marie Christine Gasingirwa, higher learning institutions produce a lot of information from their research but these are usually rendered useless information because they are not put to good use."But with this, a very well developed graduate business leader will contribute strongly to the company where they are placed,” she said.Alexander Rutikanga, a lecturer and researcher in ISAE-BUSOGO, emphasised the importance of the partnership."KTP programme will help ISAE realise skilled graduates due to possibility for a fruitful industrial attachment,” he said.The benefit is that research institutions and universities will become aware of the critical problem focusing on the research. Each partnership project will be provided with a budget of Rwf10 million per year per project for two years, to cover the cost for travel, academic time and development, graduate training and minor equipment.

WHAT THEY SAY>Tony Mitchell, advisor to Ministry of Education: We hope the programme will be successful since KTP has been used successfully in the UK for 40 years.>Claudien Gashagaza, director of administration at SULFO-RWANDA:Through KTP, Rwanda is going to be developed.  There will be no need to spend a lot of money recruiting engineers abroad. >Pr. Deogratias Niyibizi, Rector of INES-Ruhengeri:The programme would make a positive impact in producing research. This way, graduate students put into practice what they have learnt and interact with industries.