Monusco is an abject failure

Dear Editor,In reference to the article, “Plans to merge Congo neutral force, Monusco underway – AU”, The New Times, Jan 11, 2013, no amount of tinkering with this behemoth of the United Nations misbegotten creation will transform it into useful to bring peace and security to the DR Congo and thus stop that country from becoming a source of instability in the region.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Dear Editor,In reference to the article, "Plans to merge Congo neutral force, Monusco underway – AU”, The New Times, Jan 11, 2013, no amount of tinkering with this behemoth of the United Nations misbegotten creation will transform it into useful to bring peace and security to the DR Congo and thus stop that country from becoming a source of instability in the region. MONUSCO should really be wound up for the abject failure it has been - at least in fulfilling its publicly stated mission. It must be successful in its covert one otherwise, its donors would have pulled the plug on it a long time ago. Grafting a new force on this failure will ensure it also fails from its inception, especially as the UN will insist on calling the shots from New York and Kinshasa and so the same set of people with hidden agendas will be running the show. The AU needs to get the UN from the DRC driving seat, not to join it in steering the Congolese car over the cliff.Mwene Kalinda, Kigali