Ugandan army kills senior LRA rebel

The Ugandan army yesterday announced that it had killed yet another key figure in the battle against Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) rebels in the Central African Republic (CAR)

Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Ugandan army yesterday announced that it had killed yet another key figure in the battle against Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) rebels in the Central African Republic (CAR)Uganda Peoples Defence Forces (UPDF) Spokesperson Colonel Felix Kulayigye told reporters,  yesterday that Brigadier Binani, a chief body guard to LRA commander Joseph Kony was killed in CAR last Friday."He has been a member of the LRA high command, the chief body guard of Joseph Kony and he was in charge of his logistics as well. So he was responsible for most of the recent abductions, and movement of food for LRA,” he said.The army reported that the UPDF, operating 280 km north of Njema in CAR intercepted Binani’s group and he was shot and breathed his last. We are making arrangements to bring his body to Gulu, Kulayigye added.Kony and his LRA rebels fled the onslaught against their bases in Garamba Forest in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to Central African in 2008 when the UPDF launched Operation Lightening thunder. The Ugandan army said that the on going conflict between tthe CAR government military and rebels hadn’t affected its operations.