Educators say discipline,hard work key to success

SCHOOL headteachers have said discipline and hard work among students are, among others, key determinants of their success.Speaking to The New Times after the release of the 2012 Primary Leaving and Ordinary Level examination results, the educators noted that students need to remain focused on their studies if they were to succeed in their exams.

Friday, January 18, 2013

SCHOOL headteachers have said discipline and hard work among students are, among others, key determinants of their success.Speaking to The New Times after the release of the 2012 Primary Leaving and Ordinary Level examination results, the educators noted that students need to remain focused on their studies if they were to succeed in their exams.Sister Gorette Mukarubayiza, the headmistress of Ecole Notre Dame de La Providence de Karubanda (ENDP Karubanda) said the school has put in place measures to ensure that its students perform well."Maintaining discipline among students as well ensuring that they receive the quality education is the secret which has ensured success to our students over the past years and today,” Mukarubayiza said."We ensure that students are in the right place at the right time...if it is time to study, students must be in class; if it is time to play, eat or pray we ensure they are at the right place. That kind of discipline plays a big role in their performance.”ENDP Karubanda, which ranks among the best secondary schools in the country, produced one student in the top ten best performers in O’ Level, Annick Nshuti.According to Mukarubayiza, ensuring that the curriculum is followed as planned is another key determinant which guarantees students’ success."We regularly hold self-evaluation meetings with staff members and teachers to assess the progress of the programme and take measures to make sure everything is covered on the due time,” she said.Father Theotime Gatete, the headmaster of St Leon Junior Seminary of Kabgayi, echoed the same feelings, saying students are encouraged to work hard, maintain discipline and look beyond what they learn in class-attributes he said are crucial in the success its students register."We train them [students] to remain focused on their studies. We encourage them to keep revising their lessons and we always assist them to address anything that might affect their performance,” Father Gatete said.According to Gatete, the 100-years of experience of the seminary also plays an important role in offering quality education to its students. He also poured praise on Jean Yves Hirwa Gatete, from St Leon Junior Seminary of Kabgayi who emerged among the best performing O’ Level students in the country, for staying focused. "He is a knowledgeable boy,” Gatete said. "He is always focused on his studies and works hard.”