Let’s target total self-reliance

  We need to double efforts and not only target economic growth but also target full self-reliance to gain the full respect we merit. We should not live on the mercy of others. We are ready to go. Go on Rwanda, you are blessed, none will stop us.

Friday, January 18, 2013
The ever changing face of the Kigali skyline is an indication of a robust economy. The New Times / File.

Let’s target total self-relianceWe need to double efforts and not only target economic growth but also target full self-reliance to gain the full respect we merit. We should not live on the mercy of others. We are ready to go. Go on Rwanda, you are blessed, none will stop us.Ernst, Kigali  Long live Rwanda Long, live our President, long live the people of Rwanda. Yes its time to double our strength and work harder. The best is yet to come.Semugeshi, Kacyiru, Kigali We are proud of our leadership. Let’s all work hard towards self-reliance.

Frank, Kigali Reactions to the letter, "Rwanda is ninth fastest growing economy globally” (The New Times, January 17