Global Health Corps to support EAC region

The Global Health Corps, a US non-profit organisation that mobilises global community emerging leaders to build a movement for health equity, has said it will this year intensify operations in East Africa.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Global Health Corps, a US non-profit organisation that mobilises global community emerging leaders to build a movement for health equity, has said it will this year intensify operations in East Africa.Barbra Bush, the chief executive and co-founder of the Corps, said the organisation enjoys strong partnerships with governments, which she said enhances their project. "We are committed to doing our part in fighting diseases and for this region, our operations will focus on fighting malaria,” the former US First Daughter said. She was yesterday speaking at an event to mark Global Health Corp’s achievements for last year and draw of the agenda for 2013, in Kigali. The event attracted representatives from Burundi, Malawi, Rwanda and Uganda, among other countries. Bush said the Corp’s presence in the region seeks to empower and bring more locals on board to contribute to the growth of the health sector. Jean Rene Shema, the organisation’s East African programme manager, said they have built capacity enabling effective contribution of citizens towards the health sector. "We seek to ensure that citizens enable medical practitioners to operate in environments that suit their work,” said Shema, who also doubles as the Corps’ Country Representative. He said the organisation has also contributed to the construction of Butaro Hospital in Burera district. The organisation’s representative from Burundi, Francis Muhire, called for effective stakeholders’ partnership to foster  development projects.