DRC criss: Rwanda just a scapegoat

Dear Editor,This is in reaction to Dr Jean Paul Kimonyo’s article, (The New Times, January 14, 2013), The UN wants to make war in DR Congo? For whom, for what, against what?’’

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Dear Editor,This is in reaction to Dr Jean Paul Kimonyo’s article, (The New Times, January 14, 2013), The UN wants to make war in DR Congo? For whom, for what, against what?’’ In short, Rwanda has a historical duty to see to it that Rwandaphones, who by all means are Rwandan relatives, are not killed or never enjoy their birth right as Congolese people. President (Paul) Kagame and Rwandans should not be intimidated by anyone but rather should play their role to ensure Kinyarwanda speaking people in DR Congo are not made a scapegoat of failed governance under President (Joseph) Kabila’s government. Experience shows that forces of evil fight anyone pushing for justice. Rwanda is being fought for taking the right stance over crime meted out to innocent Kinyarwanda speaking people. I have been to Bunagana, Kiwanja, Rumangabo etc in DR Congo. For sure, the M23 run-area is safer and stable. History proves that never on earth has evil ever prevailed over justice. I strongly believe that a progressive minded DRC is safer and would easily become Africa’s Dubai or the main engine of economic growth if only run by a sober-minded administration.Lugenzi Makenya Kabale, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania*************Africans, we are wasting time on tribalism instead of development. Congo is big enough and potentially rich enough to feed all of Africa. Congo needs more people and not less. Trying to drive out the human resources who are already in Congo is ignorance. Not so? Congo should be paying people to go and develop that country which is thick jungles and impenetrable forests.

Justin Rwema, Kigali