Physical attraction is a two-way street

Most people who know me are sure that I am the most judgmental girl they know. I believe I know my morals and I’ve got them in this rote; “you should place cleanliness next to Godliness and let God clean the rest!” You are entitled to your own opinion but that is what helps me get up in the morning.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Most people who know me are sure that I am the most judgmental girl they know. I believe I know my morals and I’ve got them in this rote; "you should place cleanliness next to Godliness and let God clean the rest!” You are entitled to your own opinion but that is what helps me get up in the morning.I may be a tad too blunt but with moral vice on the rise I guess bluntness is a very important weapon in the arsenal aimed at confronting that vice. However, despite my love for judging and jumping to fast conclusions, I am generally open-minded about some issues. Take, for example, the female race admiring God’s creation openly. I am of the opinion that we have as much right to as our male counterparts. I think we have more right than guys because unlike those Neanderthals, we will not drool openly when a fine boy passes by. We do not speak while looking at a man’s zip as opposed to men who are completely chest-obsessed.My girls and I decided to treat ourselves to some nice eye candy (and lunch) at Meze Fresh café, a nice spot hidden behind the Denton Law Advocates building in Kacyiru. Because she was the most loaded one, we let our rather conservative buddy Yvonne come along(I know, we are evil). We arrived and sat ourselves on the high stools and generally took our time eyeing the menu and peeping at the hot male specimen lunching there.As is our custom, we looked around and then started trading names after about 15 minutes of discreet ogling. I started. There was a nice looking, light skinned guy tapping away on his smart phone. Let me correct the assumption that maybe we take the whole ogling thing too far, but we have been best friends in an era where our only source of fun was gossip. So, do not be too quick to judge.As my girls pointed out the hot dishes they had observed, dishes in this case meaning the guys, I noticed that Yvonne was quietly but steadily frowning and her lip, I swear, if it had curled any further, it would be mistaken for an eyebrow!It turns out that we were disgusting her with our antics, which should have been ‘solely left for men’. To her, we were acting like promiscuous teenagers and we should, and I quote, "cut the crap and go home!”. She then left, but not before paying the bill.