Under what circumstance will divorce occur?

The fantasy of each and every newlywed is that their marriage will stand the test of time and that their vow of “until death does us part” will be one that they live by. However, the fact of the matter is, not every marriage ends this way. Divorce is still something that is taboo in our society. Society Magazine’s Stella Ashiimwe took to the streets to find out when divorce could become an option.

Thursday, January 17, 2013
Josiane Mukahirwa

The fantasy of each and every newlywed is that their marriage will stand the test of time and that their vow of "until death does us part” will be one that they live by. However, the fact of the matter is, not every marriage ends this way. Divorce is still something that is taboo in our society. Society Magazine’s Stella Ashiimwe took to the streets to find out when divorce could become an option.  Some relatives have bad behaviors that can lead to divorce. They can make your life a living hell. Josiane Mukahirwa, 32, fruits vender, Nyabugogo marketWhen technology is used the wrong way. For example, with mobile phones, some one can go in the bathroom and start calling another lover. This is very dangerous.  Javier Kalerangabo, 36,  boda-boda cyclistFailure to produce children, when one partner is barren, I can’t stand it, I have to divorce. Jeannine Yankurije, 38, hair salon proprietor, Gisozi.If the man is a serial womaniser and alcoholic, the only solution is divorce. I can’t tolerate that because it would be putting my life in danger too. Venelanda Uhirwa, 29, Nyamirambo resident Sexual harassment. Some men think that if they married a woman even raping them is okay. I wouldn’t think twice about divorcing such a man. Mediatrice IgihozoWhat can lead to divorce is maybe lack of respect, arrogance and cheating. John Rukundo.Communication is very important in a relationship. The man, for instance, should make sure his wife knows what he is doing at all times, where he is going, what he does and his plans. On the other hand, the wife should not have any secret either. When any of the parties starts feeling that there are some things they don’t know, insecurity sets in and if not checked divorce follows.Mulagye Hassan, Business man If she can’t or won’t fulfill her marital obligations as a wife. Frank Lukwago, Self employed