Men are not mind readers, get over it

I don’t know where women get the idea that men have x-ray eyes that can penetrate into the core of their inner-beings and know what they think, want or trying to say without talking. I know there’s a lot of amazing things men can do but reading your minds isn’t one of them.

Thursday, January 17, 2013
Martin Bishopu2019s Black Diary

I don’t know where women get the idea that men have x-ray eyes that can penetrate into the core of their inner-beings and know what they think, want or trying to say without talking. I know there’s a lot of amazing things men can do but reading your minds isn’t one of them.You see, we’re just mere mortals; in fact you’re miles far than us when it comes to mind -reading. Originally as the ones most expected to nurture children, you had to be better at reading the emotional, nonverbal needs of the children (and men). As for us, we were outfitted with muscles and thick skins to fight off threats and providing resources for our families.Though years turned to decades and decades to centuries, our Maker didn’t bother to adjust these settings, we are still running on the default setup. So dear sisters, when your man is unable to notice that you want him to give you a small romantic peck on your cheek to make your ex-rival jealous, don’t get frustrated. Just spell it to him, he’ll be more than glad to do it or even walk an extra kilometer on the PDA lane. Today if you need a successful relationship with clear communication, drop the notion that your man will somehow get to know what you are thinking or want without you telling him! Men want to feel useful, asking them what you want them to do for you will stroke their ego and in the course oil all the frictions you might be having in your affair.The truth is we are not mind readers and we never will be and please don’t interpret our lack of mind-reading ability as proof of how we don’t care about you. We really do care, that’s why we’re having these difficulties in the first place.And trust me if we ask what is wrong and you say ‘nothing’, we will act like nothing’s wrong. We know you are lying, but we will assume it’s probably PMS issues , we will inwardly shrug and go back to watching premier league while you brood the rest of the weekend.Until you  break free from the idea that  men can figure out what you  need without you  telling them, you  are going to continue to be frustrated, pout  and most importantly not get what  you want or need in  a relationship. Oh! By the way, however much we try; we don’t seem to remember those much cherished dates and we are a bit lazy to mark birthdays and anniversaries on our calendars. Please remind us frequently and in advance. Thank you and don’t forget to come to us with a problem only if you want help. For sympathy please check with  your girlfriends.