Five-year ICT literacy drive starts

The government will this year rollout a massive literacy awareness campaign to promote and build citizens’ capacity and knowledge in ICT.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The government will this year rollout a massive literacy awareness campaign to promote and build citizens’ capacity and knowledge in ICT.Spearheaded by the Ministry of Youth and ICT, in collaboration with other stakeholders in ICT promotion, the five-year campaign will be launched today in Rulindo district, Northern Province."We realised that despite the registered progress in ICT infrastructure development, there is still need to enable citizens use and exploit what we have been able to develop,” said Didier Nkurikiyimfura, the director-general of ICT.He said unlike the previous campaigns, this one has various components to focus on, including computer training, enabling citizens to access government online services in line with service provision, and use of telecom services such as mobile money transfer.The online services will target education on Internet use with the aim informing citizens on the best way ICT can be used in business management.Other ministries involved in this campaign include Local Government and Education.