Size cannot curtail progress

Editor,  IN REACTION to the article “President Kagame calls for increased efforts to devt” (The New Times, January 14, 2013), I wish people would chew the cud, not simply absorbing what has been swallowed.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013
President Kagame poses for a photo with core members of the Rwanda Leaders Fellowship - Kigali, during the annual Thanksgiving prayer Breakfast meeting on January 13, 2013. The New Times/Village Urugwiro.

Editor, IN REACTION to the article "President Kagame calls for increased efforts to devt” (The New Times, January 14, 2013), I wish people would chew the cud, not simply absorbing what has been swallowed. Or either respect God’s commandment that you love your neighbour as you love yourself, possibly western influence in cover of protection, would cease or reduce.

Israel and other allies of Germany were more than punished after the World War II and they have this full experience. We do not want to be taken hostages of individual and country specific and western world interests.

God heal the world! I do believe that Rwanda will overcome (its adversities) someday. When America was a newly found land, it never dreamed to become what it is today. Size does not matter; what matters is the content. Body mass does not count for much (either; but rather), it is one’s IQ (Intelligence Quotient).

Population quantity is one factor but not the determinant. The days you spend in the world do not take the first place but what you did when you were on this world.Long live Rwanda, Long live the Truth, and Long live Rwandans.Emmanuel Muhinda, Kigali**********************RWANDANS MUST understand that with our President, sacrifice and efforts put in the liberation struggle of our country, the concrete foundation has been laid and a reasonable distance towards self reliance has been covered. Therefore, citizens of developed countries who pose as GOD must be brushed aside to clear the way for our vision. Bravo our President; you are not alone. Struggle continues.Mike, Nyagatare**********************I AM humbled by your statements Mr. President. I admire the way you have given out Rwanda as a nation to the hands of the Almighty God and, indeed, God will never put us to shame. I feel this is why God is blessing Rwanda. May God grant you more wisdom and strength in your leadership.Patrick Maringa, Mombasa, Kenya