Can being in love lead to weight gain?

If you recently said so long to singleton, you might want to be on guard against gaining some weight.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Couple pic for the weight gain story. Net photo.

If you recently said so long to singleton, you might want to be on guard against gaining some weight. Of course, falling in love doesn’t have to mean falling out of shape. Here are simple steps you can take to keep yourself and your partner in line: Stay loyal to your positive habits. Just because your honey overdoes it on the snacking doesn’t mean you have to follow suit. If you’re happy with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, don’t fall prey to your partner’s preference for oversized milk chocolates.Make the TV/sitting room a no-eating zone. Mindless munching in front of the television is a dangerous habit, and the calories really start to rack up as a result. Instead, relax and enjoy each other’s company, without involving food.Nurture your relationship, not your appetite. On slow evenings spend some quality time together solving crossword puzzles, playing a board game or doing a jigsaw puzzle. Keeping your brains and bodies active will help quell the urge to sit and munch on a big plate of chips.Spice things up in the kitchen. Cooking dinner together is a fantastic way to reignite your romance and unwind after a long day. By choosing healthy, low-fat recipes to prepare at home; you’ll save yourself cash and calories. Enhance the ambience by playing some music and lighting a few candles.