Open Letter: Dear Random Dude at the Gym

The other day when you interrupted my workout to ask if it was my first time at the gym and if I needed tips you made me remember that there are jerks in this world.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The other day when you interrupted my workout to ask if it was my first time at the gym and if I needed tips you made me remember that there are jerks in this world.Let me break it down for you. When you asked me if it was my first time in a gym and I replied "no” and you gave me the ‘up and down’ look to show that you believed I was lying, I wanted to strangle you. Then you had to make it worse by asking what I want to work on and I replied, everything but not before you were able to be like "oh over here” pointing to your midsection. I really wanted to punch you in the face about 100 times, which is as many squats as I can do if you were wondering.You were even more of a douche bag when you volunteered to give me tips, which I promptly and politely declined. I am over here doing a shoulder press with exact form, which I have learnt over and over from real trainers (not your unfit self with your jersey vest over a t-shirt and tear-aways).Maybe you wanted to spark a conversation but I do not know which book of ‘How to be a Playa’ you have been reading because indicating a woman has some problem areas, where she could stand to lose some weight, doesn’t exactly open the golden gates between our legs.In this patriarchal society we live in men are always trying to teach us or advise us on something. Hey, if you are good-looking man, I will take any lesson from you if you come to me with some charm and respect. But pointing out I could stand to lose some weight and then offering whatever dumb tips you have learnt over the last few months since you joined the gym, doesn’t get you even close to having a conversation with me.Of course as a 21st century woman, I was not too bothered by your comment just the fact that you disrupted my count and my jamming to the latest Rihanna track. But next time you try that with a woman, I hope she gives you a piece of her mind and makes you feel the same you could have made me feel if I wasn’t so comfortable in my own skin.