Die Hard director heading to prison

Die Hard director John McTiernan has lost his appeal to have a one-year prison sentence overturned for lying to the FBI in a wiretapping case.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Die Hard director John McTiernan has lost his appeal to have a one-year prison sentence overturned for lying to the FBI in a wiretapping case.The 62-year-old was sentenced in 2010 after pleading guilty to lying over hiring a private investigator to wiretap a film producer.He had been free on bail while he appealed the conviction, however the US Supreme Court declined to review it.A judge is now expected to order Mr McTiernan to go to prison.After serving a custodial sentence, the filmmaker - who also directed The Hunt for Red October and Predator - will be on supervised release for three years.Mr McTiernan was originally accused of lying about hiring former celebrity private investigator Anthony Pellicano to wiretap film producer, Chuck Roven, after they both worked on the movie Rollerball.The director initially pleaded guilty in 2006 after the FBI obtained a recording in which the men discussed the wiretap, but he later withdrew his guilty plea.After failing in his attempt to suppress the recording, he pleaded guilty again in 2010 to allow him the opportunity to appeal, however he was then sentenced by a District Court judge and fined $100,000 (£62,400).Agencies.