Vulnerable children graduate in ICT

SOUTHERN PROVINCE MUHANGA — Sixteen vulnerable children in Muhanga district have received awards in Information Communication Technology (ICT) skills which will enable them seek jobs.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


MUHANGA — Sixteen vulnerable children in Muhanga district have received awards in Information Communication Technology (ICT) skills which will enable them seek jobs.

Nixy Love, the Director of Rwanda Training Centre (RTC) said on Friday, during the graduation ceremony held at Joint Aid Management (JAM) – a project that assists orphans and other vulnerable children that those who excelled were selected from different communities on a basis of how vulnerable they were to poverty.

They were offered certificates of merit after six months of training in various ICT programmes. Nixy advised the children to be open to new ideas and source out additional information and knowledge from society in order to build on the acquired skills.

"What you have acquired is a just a little bit of the knowledge base in ICT skills. You should be open to new ideas and additional knowledge so as to build a broader knowledge base.

She used the analogy of six blind men who each touched different parts of the elephants and walked away assuming to have a better notion of what an elephant is like.

The graduating students asked the management of JAM to solicit for more computers and assimilate advanced ICT programmes and market the alumni for better jobs.

JAM officials accepted the request and said that due to financial constraints some of the plans have not been pursued, however, the plans are underway and the next groups will benefit more.
