When I was Younger

• I would put my arms in my shirt and tell people I lost my arms.• Would restart the video game whenever I knew I was going to lose.• Slept with all the stuffed animals and Teddys as a child so none of them got offended.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Playing in the rain has always been most enjoyable moment for children. Net photo.

• I would put my arms in my shirt and tell people I lost my arms.• Would restart the video game whenever I knew I was going to lose.• Slept with all the stuffed animals and Teddys as a child so none of them got offended.• Had that one pen with four colors, and tried to push all the buttons at once.• Poured soda into the cap and acting like I were taking shots.• Waited behind a door to scare someone, then leaving because they’re taking too long to come out.• Faked being asleep, so I could be carried to bed.• Used to think that the moon followed our car.• Watching two drops of rain roll down window and pretending it was a race.• Went on the computer just to use Paint.• The only thing I had to take care of was a school bag.• The only ’fake’ friends I had were invisible ones.• I used to sing in the shower.• Swallowed a fruit seed I was scared to death that a tree was going to grow in my tummy.• Getting a bruised knee healed better than a broken heart.• Remember when we were kids and couldn’t wait to grow up!