Don’t be a prisoner of anger

Emma’s childhood was a comfortable one. Being the only child his wealthy parents loved him to bits and made sure he lacked nothing.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Learn to control your anger. Net photo.

Emma’s childhood was a comfortable one. Being the only child his wealthy parents loved him to bits and made sure he lacked nothing.He lived like a Prince, he had a nanny, car, toys, he toured places. He always had frequent visits to zoo and many other luxuries were always at his service. With this kind of blessed upbringing, one would expect him to be a sweet natured boy. Besides being a spoilt child, some days, Emma’s behavior would be perceived to have been raised on the streets. In other words his behavior was a disgrace to society, especially when he got angry. In fact, there is a time he smashed his laptop on the ground while watching a movie, it wasn’t accidental, it was because his favorite character got killed, and somehow his anger made him believe that the "damned gadget” had a hand in the star’s death.    He is the kind of person who occasionally punched the wall when he is angry, as time went on it occurred that he was helpless victim of rage.  Because of his bad anger management, he didn’t have permanent friends and no one wanted to be around him.  He was talented in whatever he did, but rarely accomplished anything as a result if his irregular mood thus an obstacle to achieving anything in life. According to Jerry Deffenbacher, PhD, an American psychologist who specialies in anger management, some people are more ‘hot-headed’ than others are. That is why anger has to be controlled.It’s always important to have control in everything you do. If you’re angry, try to calm down. Outbursts when you’re angry lead to nothing. Don’t be a prisoner of anger. There are several ways to control your anger. Try counting one to ten when you are angry and see if you will shout at the person who has angered you. Some people say that outbursts are involuntary actions but that is not true. If symptoms persist try anger management lessons.