Communities to participate in conservation of gorillas

NORTHERN PROVINCE KINIGI — Residents living adjacent the Volcano National Park are to fully participate in the conservation of the vulnerable mountain gorillas by stopping activities which threaten their extinction.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


KINIGI — Residents living adjacent the Volcano National Park are to fully participate in the conservation of the vulnerable mountain gorillas by stopping activities which threaten their extinction.

The residents pledged to protect, the endangered gorillas during the launch of community projects including 13 primary schools, water tanks, health centres established within areas surrounding the national park.

Human activities which had previously put the life of the mountain gorillas in danger included poaching and illegal trafficking in baby gorillas. Snares set up to trap other animals have also inflicated injuries leading to death of the gorillas.

"Gorillas must be viewed as being closely linked to man, as we take care of our own security, and the conservation of the entire species on earth, so we must fight to keep the gorillas from extinction’’ Rukeramihigo Domic said.

According to Prosper Uwingeri, the park’s chief warden, the 2003 gorilla census indicated that there are about 380 gorillas existing mountain in the Virunga highlands. Only 245 of these are reported to be on the Rwandan side.

While launching the community projects, the Director General –ORTPN, Chantal Rugamba said that the community projects were implemented using funds raised from the past gorilla naming ceremonies.
