Incentivise pyrethrum farming

Editor,The returns per hectare of pyrethrum is not economically viable. Pyrethrum is labour intensive and fetches little compared to the time, labour and overall investment.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Editor,The returns per hectare of pyrethrum is not economically viable. Pyrethrum is labour intensive and fetches little compared to the time, labour and overall investment.

The National Agricultural Export Development Board (NAEB) should think of improving incentives to farmers which will make pyrethrum more attractive. Farmers are weighing options on whether to continue with the pyrethrum production or go for crops which bring quicker returns with less investment. The earlier NAEB comes up with better incentives, the better.James Munanura, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda Reaction to the story, "Pyrethrum farmers fail to satisfy growing market demand,” (The New Times, January 12, 2013)