Bored at work? New technologies could be the answer

Mondays! I always develop goose bumps whenever i think of a Monday morning. Like me, many workers are always ready to cook up some excuse to dodge work and spend an extra day lazing about after a wild weekend.

Monday, January 14, 2013
Ivan R. Mugisha

Mondays! I always develop goose bumps whenever i think of a Monday morning. Like me, many workers are always ready to cook up some excuse to dodge work and spend an extra day lazing about after a wild weekend.This syndrome has no boundaries, it does not matter whether you are from Rwanda or America; it is a universal ‘disease’. So, how would one appreciate work as a daily part of our lives and look up to it every day of the week?Finding means to make it enjoyable is one of the ways you can achieve this and, better still, look forward to working on Mondays. Luckily, innovations in technology provide us with vast options to make each working day a new experience and, hence, enjoy whatever you do.Remember, many employees get bored because of routine, making them count down the hours waiting for it to clock 5:00pm so they could ‘throw’ away whatever they are doing and head home.With advancement in technology, however, workers can easily do ‘overtime’ without noticing. Why? Because new innovations ease their work and help them relax that they almost never notice time or get bored. One can use their smartphone and Facebook or Twitter to keep in touch with colleagues or whatever is going on with their friends throughout the day. They share fun, make plans and conduct businesses right there on their phones, thanks to advances in technology. All these help keep up workers’ morale and focused. That is why today’s employee needs a laptop, an internet modem or smartphone to facilitate their work processes. Also, to enjoy your work, you need to be able to carry out your duties even when you are not at your workstation.If say, your work is to file audit reports and send them to your boss, if they are the flexible type, they will be willing to receive them through an email, (even when you are required to send them through an internal server).By doing so, you are still doing your job, moreover in a different environment that can help you re-energise or get new ideas.The dotcom era has made work processes flexible, giving you no reason to complain about workloads because the means to reduce it is right before your eyes.Today, it is nolonger fashionable to carry bagfuls of paper, all you have to do is store the work on a computer and do it from anywhere, be it in the lounge, taxi; anywhere.However, this calls for one to be organised and focused to be able to deliver on deadlines.Social networking sites like Skype and Whatsap should also not be overlooked because they have the potential to make your work more interesting, something to look foward to.Skype can help you tele-conference with colleagues in the same profession from thousands of miles away. Instead of physically attending a general managers’ conference in Dubai, you can attend it virtually using Skype.This kind of technology helps you, not only to enjoy your day’s work, but also to improve your skills and knowledge about a specific job or sector.Therefore, if you are looking forward to making Mondays a highlight, try adventuring with the vast technology resources at your disposal.