Rwandan media undergoing change

Editor,Mr. Kennedy Ndahiro, I think our media is still going through a metamorphosis. Some things can’t just be reported. Insects go through several stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult. Before the adult, the egg stage is very delicate.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Editor,Mr. Kennedy Ndahiro, I think our media is still going through a metamorphosis. Some things can’t just be reported. Insects go through several stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult. Before the adult, the egg stage is very delicate. If you hit an egg with a strong physical object, it may crack and probably be destroyed. The larva is a cocoon, the maggot hides in a shell. This is where the media report and they emphasise (Names withheld on request). The pupa is where the insect develops the hairy surface. This is where you, Kennedy, are. You no longer fear. Your missives may hurt people; this is why you say your colleagues will bombard you with criticism. What is important though is the adult stage. The adult is a butterfly. Very colourful and attractive. Will Rwandan media become a butterfly? Time will tell.James Munanura, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda Reaction to the article, "Media no longer seeks the truth; it’s become a recycle bin,” by Kennedy Ndahiro in The New Times, January 11.