Fight against gender based violence intensifies

In a move to curb Gender Based Violence (GBV), the Gender Monitoring Office will conduct a study to identify causes of domestic violence and how to prevent it.

Sunday, January 13, 2013
Chief Gender Monitor, Oda Gasinzigwa. The Sunday Times / File.

In a move to curb Gender Based Violence (GBV), the Gender Monitoring Office will conduct a study to identify causes of domestic violence and how to prevent it. The study is one of the recommendations of last year`s Family Campaign survey. In a report released by the Prime Minister’s Office, at least 247,000 families countrywide are embroiled in different conflicts that can be classified as GBV cases."After all the campaigns we and other stake holders took against GBV last year, we now want to check on the current situation; and this will actually give us the go ahead, not only to inform policy makers, but also come-up with mechanisms that will confront such conflicts,” said Oda Gasinzigwa, the  Chief Gender Monitor.She argued that similar study findings will help in guiding policy makers to develop effective measures against GBV. Currently, family conflicts are reported as being among the main causes of separation or divorce while other partners end-up killing each other, according to the finding of the previous report."Among others, we also want to find out about those reported killings and we are sure that with the mechanisms we are to use in this study, we shall get the required information in trying to find a lasting solution to such problems in our communities,” she said.No study has been conducted to ascertain the causes and figures of killings in families as a result of GBV or family breakdown, but the Gender ministry says that there are signs that conflicts are sparked by decision making on wealth issues mainly.