I hate people who…

…think they can go around raping women just like that. I wish there was a way I could hate myself first for not having hated these people long ago. How could I have delayed to hate the fools who raped an Indian woman to death?

Saturday, January 12, 2013

…think they can go around raping women just like that. I wish there was a way I could hate myself first for not having hated these people long ago. How could I have delayed to hate the fools who raped an Indian woman to death?  I can’t think of how best to express my hatred for such shameless pigs. Okay, I have to apologise to pigs because these guys are actually worse than any animal I can think of. How can these people go around raping women as though it was an Olympics sport? If there are any people who should never be allowed to procreate, these ones top the list. …constantly pretend to be working yet they are not. Can anyone tell me why we even bother to pay people to check people’s bags before they enter certain buildings? I am talking about those security fellows who stand next to metal detectors but do not do any serious checking. They quickly let you go once you tell them there is a laptop in the bag and sometimes just look on even when you walk through the machine and it beeps. I do not think that someone with bad intentions would have trouble going past these pretenders. One of them at UTC building once told me "boss wigendere” (boss you can go) even before I could remove my phones from my pockets.…are still talking about whether Messi is the best player in the world. For some reason I think these people are either related to or dating the ones who spend most of their lives talking about Kim Kardashian. How else would you explain an adult’s obsession with something so obvious? If Messi was awarded for being the best player in the world and according to you the award should have gone to Ronaldo then I think you should find a way of emulating the awarding body by offering Ronaldo your own award. I am sure he would be happy. Otherwise your stale debates are starting to make me hungry...and angry.    …always come up with this end-of-the-world nonsense. According to some idle people, you are not supposed to be reading this today. Yes, I am talking about those hyper useless people who always come up with this rubbish talk of how the world is going to end on such and such a day. What kind of cheap drug are they smoking? After all these years they have not figured out that the world ends on individual basis and they should just hang themselves and leave us. We shall follow you when we are ready. For now, please find some real hobbies other than marketing your ignorance. …are called Mark Zuckerberg. It has never been my policy to take my hatred personal but this young boy keeps thinking that Facebook is one of his toys. I have hated the many changes he keeps making on the platform every time he wakes up on the wrong side of bed but he just does not seem to be reading what I write here. Have you noticed how the status questions keep changing from, "What’s going on, Hater?” to "What’s happening, Hater?” Since when did Facebook think it is ok to call me by my first name? Yes I know I use it but does that mean you can refer to me as Hater without saying Mr. Hater or The Hater. What is wrong with children of these days? No respect at all for elders. I hate this. Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293FB’s new intrusive questionsWitchcraft talk in sports?