Former varsity students diverted SFAR funds

Documents from the Student Financing Agency for Rwanda (SFAR) indicate that 29 former university students in South Africa diverted part of their school fees.

Saturday, June 14, 2008
Education Minister Dr. Daphrosa Gahakwa. (File photo).

Documents from the Student Financing Agency for Rwanda (SFAR) indicate that 29 former university students in South Africa diverted part of their school fees.

One of the students who spoke to Sunday Times on condition on anonymity said some students spent money meant for accommodation on parties.

"Some of our colleagues became undisciplined,” the male student said.

The SFAR sponsored students attended the University of Cape Peninsula of Technology in South Africa in 2005 to study hotel management and tourism. Information regarding how much money the students diverted was not readily available by press time.

SFAR documents show that the body cleared all fee requirements for students but some never remitted the money to university administration. On completion, the university retained the students’ academic papers. Later, the ministry of education intervened and paid the balance.

Education Minister Dr. Daphrosa Gahakwa confirmed that the government paid the balance but the ministry was holding the certificates.

"These students will first refund the money to SFRA before we release their papers. There is no mercy,” Gahakwa said in an interview at her Kacyiru office on Wednesday. About 22 out of 29 have started paying back.
