Caught with my pants down

Oh well, vacation is the best time in anyone’s life, from a period when you  just have to sit home, play video games and roam around with friends. January kicked in and I was lucky to get a job. Well it was a bit well paying and just as I started enjoying the money and learning how to save part of it as the salary excitement lessened, university started.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Oh well, vacation is the best time in anyone’s life, from a period when you  just have to sit home, play video games and roam around with friends. January kicked in and I was lucky to get a job. Well it was a bit well paying and just as I started enjoying the money and learning how to save part of it as the salary excitement lessened, university started. Bye-bye salary and I was back to horrible feeling of going to ask for money from daddy and mummy and thinking of a lie when they wonder how you spent all the money they gave you the previous time.Well, after having many pizza dates with many girls and having gotten used to the good life when I was still working, one evening after a boring long lecture where even the lecturer himself was dosing while teaching, I received a call from a girlfriend called Charlotte and these were her words, "Hey honey, I miss you so much, we should go to the Chinese restaurant tomorrow, miss talking to you and can’t wait.”They say friends will take you where money can’t go but for this case I took the saying literally. This friend was surely taking me where there is no money. For a moment I felt like responding, "You’ve reached (my name) please leave a message” but sadly I remembered we are not in the USA and I had already happily answered "Hello?” The next day was just 24 hours away. Yikes! Of course the quickest and wisest option was to switch off my phone around ‘date’ time and pretend there was a network problem. I was sorely tempted to do so. As I was there relaxing in my room just about to remove my shirt and chill while listening to music and planning my next excuse to ask for money from the parents, I heard a knock on the door. Thinking it was probably a neighbor, I open up and only to find its Charlotte all well dressed, and she was like "Surprise!! I am ready. Let’s go.” I felt like I wanted to grow thin and shrink in my clothes and I started telling her how I was sick and didn’t even go anywhere that day. What I didn’t know was a friend is the one that told her after my lectures I immediately went to my hostel. With a shameful face, I just sat down and apologised and promised to cook for her that day and we go for Chinese food another day. Apparently I only know how to boil eggs but don’t ask me how that day went. It got even worse.